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Winter is coming, and it’s the perfect time to make your home more energy efficient to save money on bills AND reduce air pollution.

Here’s how you can save money and improve air quality in our community:

  • Caulk and weather strip around doors and windows to weatherproof home and prevent drafts.
  • Change HVAC filters every month.
  • Set your thermostat a few degrees lower in the winter. This reduces energy consumption.
  • If possible, invest in a programmable thermostat so you can use less energy when you’re away from home.
  • Wash full loads of laundry in cold water, using specially-formulated cold water detergents.
  • Turn the water heater down to warm or low settings— never more than 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Consider installing new, high-efficiency appliances and look for the ENERGY STAR label for efficiency ratings.

These tips were provided Washington Gas, as part of a long history instructing customers on best practices when preparing homes for winter for more efficient energy use and lower spending. 

How are you and your family preparing for winter? Tell us on social media with the hashtag #CleanAirWinter

Thank you to our campaign sponsor!

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