
Jennifer Raley
Jennifer Raley has been with Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative for over 20 years, and has focused on energy efficiency and energy conservation programs for the past 13 years. She is currently responsible for SMECO’s EmPOWER Maryland residential and commercial programs and SMECO’s demand response programs. She develops and implements SMECO’s new programs also manages the Key Accounts program for large commercial customer-members.

Mike Sowko
Vice Chair
Mike is a seasoned professional with a passion for meteorology and public service, with over 23 years of experience working in government, specifically with NOAA/NWS. He currently serves as a Supervisory Meteorologist at NWS Headquarters in Silver Spring, MD and Chief of the NWS Performance and Evaluation Branch.

Jen Desimone
Managing Director
jdesimone@mwcog.org   |   202.962.3360
With more than 20 years of experience in air quality – including forecasting, planning, outreach, marketing, and data visualization – Jen serves as Clean Air Partners Managing Director and Air Program Chief with the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.

Anna Marshall
Baltimore Metropolitan Region Coordinator
amarshall@baltometro.org   |   410.732.0500 x 1050
Anna earned her Master's in City and Regional Planning from Rutgers University in 2021, focusing on environmental planning and climate change adaptation. She has experience in hazard mitigation and resiliency planning, and is passionate about working on solutions to improve public health and sustainability in communities. Anna serves as support staff for Clean Air Partners and as the Environmental Planner at Baltimore Metropolitan Council.
Olivia Achuko
District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment
Gary Allen
Center for Chesapeake Communities
Sarah Bagley
City of Alexandria
John Bullock
City of Baltimore
Naomi Cohen-Shields
District Department of Transportation
Angela Conroy
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Lushae Cook
Phil Croskey
MD Energy Advisors
Mark Edelson
Maryland House of Delegates
Bob Erdman
Electric Vehicle Association of Greater Washington DC
Hosein Foroutan
Virginia Tech
Tracye Funn
Washington Gas
Sylvia Glass
Loudoun County
Mary Haberl
Virginia Green Initiative
Dawn Hawkins-Nixon
Prince George’s County
Wendy Klancher
Commuter Connections
Heidi Mitter
Virginia Department of Transportation
Brian O'Malley
Central Maryland Transportation Alliance
Nia Reed-Jones
Black People Ride Bikes
Najib Salehi
Loudoun County
Kelsey Sisko
Maryland Department of the Environment
Kari Snyder
Maryland Department of Transportation
Michael Taylor
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Janiece Timmons
Glenna Tinney
Citizen Representative
Kudret Utebay
Jed Weeks
Kristen Willard
Global Allergy and Airways Patient Platform
Jessica Yu